A dummy data frame of ACLED events emulating an old format, used in "Keeping your dataset updated" Vignette
Small dataset of events in Argentina, purposefully including events which are currently deleted/modified.
A data frame:
- event_id_cnty
An unique individual identifier by number and country acronym (updated annually)
- event_date
The day, month and year on which an event took place
- year
The year in which an event took place
- time_precision
A numeric code indicating the level of certainty of the date coded for the event
- disorder_type
Type of disorder associated with the event and sub event type
- event_type
The type of event
- sub_event_type
The type of sub-event
- actor1
The named actor involved in the event. Note: Actor 1 and Actor 2 do not imply directionality (e.g. attacker or defender)
- assoc_actor_1
The named actor associated with or identifying actor1
- inter1
A numeric code indicating the type of actor1
- actor2
The named actor involved in the event. Note: Actor 1 and Actor 2 do not imply directionality (e.g. attacker or defender)
- assoc_actor_2
The named actor associated with or identifying actor1
- inter2
A numeric code indicating the type of actor1
- interaction
A numeric code indicating the interaction between types of actor1 and actor2
- civilian_targeting
Column referencing the presence of civilian targeting
- iso
A numeric code for each individual country
- region
The region of the world where the event took place
- country
The country in which the event took place
- admin1
The largest sub-national administrative region in which the event took place
- admin2
The second largest sub-national administrative region in which the event took place
- admin3
The third largest sub-national administrative region in which the event took place
- location
The location in which the event took place
- latitude
The latitude of the location
- longitude
The longitude of the location
- geo_precision
A numeric code indicating the level of certainty of the location coded for the event
- source
The source of the event report
- source_scale
The scale (local, regional, national, international) of the source
- notes
A short description of the event
- fatalities
The number of reported fatalities which occurred during the event
- tags
Tags associated with the event.
- timestamp
Numeric code of time